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Browse and discover detailed information about 79 of the most interesting asteroids and dwarf planets. Objects are listed in order of decreasing brightness.

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Asteroids—named by British astronomer William Herschel from the Greek expression meaning “star-like”—are rocky, airless worlds that are too small to be called planets. Asteroids are small, atmosphere-less rocky objects orbiting the Sun. Here are 10 things that you might not know about these planet-like celestial bodies that can crash into the Earth and create havoc. An artist's 3D rendering of an asteroid. The NASA-funded ASTEROIDS Laboratory (Asteroid Science, Technology and Exploration Research Organized by Inclusive eDucation Systems) is a multi-disciplinary establishment housed at University of Arizona seeking to integrate research with education to help build a diverse, scientifically literate citizenry and a well-prepared science, engineering, and technology workforce.

= visible to the naked eye
= binocular, brighter than 10th magnitude
= current altitude ≥ 30° = current altitude < 30° = below the horizon
Location: Greenwich, United Kingdom [change]

Asteroid 4 Vesta

R.A: 10h 58m 04s Dec: +16° 00’ 47”
Magnitude 7.1 in LeoAsteroids
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Dwarf Planet 1 Ceres

R.A: 02h 16m 18s Dec: +06° 37’ 56”
Magnitude 9.2 in Cetus
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 6 Hebe

R.A: 20h 02m 01s Dec: -07° 14’ 43”
Magnitude 9.9 in Aquila
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 7 Iris

R.A: 01h 47m 50s Dec: +14° 48’ 14”
Magnitude 10.0 in Pisces
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 3 Juno

R.A: 17h 21m 54s Dec: -05° 01’ 03”

Comets And Asteroids

Magnitude 10.3 in Ophiucus
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 12 Victoria

R.A: 20h 25m 04s Dec: -10° 45’ 03”
Asteroids are found between the orbits of Magnitude 10.3 in Capricornus
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 2 Pallas

R.A: 23h 05m 55s Dec: +07° 23’ 41”
Magnitude 10.5 in Pisces
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 9 Metis

R.A: 12h 35m 20s Dec: +02° 08’ 43”
Magnitude 10.5 in Virgo
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 15 Eunomia

R.A: 08h 32m 32s Dec: +12° 22’ 28”
Magnitude 10.7 in Cancer
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 29 Amphitrite

R.A: 10h 12m 25s Dec: +11° 25’ 45”
Magnitude 10.9 in Leo
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 349 Dembowska (1892 T)

R.A: 21h 51m 14s Dec: -22° 46’ 44”
Magnitude 11.0 in Capricornus
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 20 Massalia

R.A: 03h 10m 17s Dec: +17° 34’ 16”
Magnitude 11.0 in Aries
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 8 Flora

R.A: 06h 33m 12s Dec: +23° 34’ 16”
Magnitude 11.1 in Gemini
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 14 Irene

R.A: 09h 15m 22s Dec: +25° 02’ 17”
Magnitude 11.1 in Cancer
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 5 Astraea

Asteroids Game

R.A: 18h 21m 31s Dec: -16° 35’ 29”
Magnitude 11.2 in Sagittarius
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 10 Hygiea

R.A: 08h 47m 08s Dec: +15° 14’ 44”
Magnitude 11.5 in Cancer
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 433 Eros

R.A: 18h 40m 20s Dec: -42° 02’ 00”

Asteroids Game

Magnitude 11.5 in Corona Australis
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 324 Bamberga

R.A: 15h 21m 48s Dec: -35° 24’ 52”
Magnitude 11.6 in Lupus
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 16 Psyche

Asteroids 2020

R.A: 06h 35m 26s Dec: +21° 37’ 24”
Magnitude 11.7 in Gemini
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

Asteroid 18 Melpomene

R.A: 09h 12m 49s Dec: +17° 25’ 17”
Magnitude 11.8 in Cancer
Information | Tracker | Planetarium | 3D Orbit

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