Start with sharing how much available storage remains on your boot drive. Click Macintosh HD on your Desktop, and then press option+command+i to open a Get Info panel. What does Available show for the amount?
Install Xcode 12.5 On Catalina
Add a ssh:// git package. Add a http(s):// git package. You can MODIFY ssh:// git packages (delete or edit). You can no longer add them. You can add http(s) git packages. You can add swift collections (requiring http(s)) I coded almost all of my swift packages via ssh having my code sitting on a networked storage device. Available through Xcode’s Documentation menu or Swift Playgrounds on iPad/Catalina may work for you, but it’s too slow if you ask me, and more suited children. And ultimately just throwing yourself in the deep end is a good way of getting started. Now go back to Xcode 11 and into preferences components and install the 12.2 simulator. Note you can’t do this in Xcode 10 on Catalina due to system read-only partitions. Once you’ve done all you should have simulators setup for 12.2, 12.4 and 13.1. Using the CLI you can now build an app for iOS 13 SDK (with 7.5.x or 8.2.x) using. Xcode 12.5.1 (Big Sur) has an error compiling cocosBuilder, but I can't find a reason. Other computers (Xcode 12.4 / Catalina) say no errors occur.
Xcode may be an 8GB download, but its installation requires double-digit final storage, plus any temporary storage that it takes during the installation process. I would not attempt it with less than 20 GB of available storage. Ideally more.
I just removed Xcode 11.3.1 from a Mojave 10.14.6 system and it freed up 27GB of storage after emptying the Trash.
Xcode 12 On Catalina
May 11, 2020 7:50 AM